New Internal Trailer Wash system offers transport sector lower costs, higher sanitation standards and faster turnarounds

British company WNV Systems has just unveiled a patented Internal Trailer Wash that uses advanced technology to break new ground in trailer and container sanitation.
A standalone, portable unit, the new Internal Trailer Wash (ITW) is engineered to be faster, safer, quicker, cheaper, and more effective than traditional cleansing methods.
The improved hygiene standards it offers mean that companies can more easily meet Food Standard Agency (FSA) guidelines.
With the ever-increasing requirements for sanitary regulation compliance the ITW provides logistics and container companies a hassle-free, automated solution to maintain the highest standards of cleanliness. It also offers cost-cutting through water recycling and reduces the manpower and time needed to sanitise vehicle and container interiors.
Darren Bright, WNV’s sales director explained: “WNV is a pioneer in commercial vehicle cleaning tech, and we were approached by Morrisons to see if we could come up with a solution for automatic internal cleansing too. We worked with them to identify the industry’s requirements and designed a machine that reliably meets all their needs. We’re excited to add this to our product range.”
He added: “The FTA states that vehicles and containers used to transport food must be cleaned to a high standard, as food can easily become contaminated. If they’ve have been used for transporting anything else as well, it’s vital that effective cleaning is carried out between loads to avoid the risk of contamination. Our new ITW system can do that quickly and cost-effectively, meaning the trucks can be back on the road again in hardly any time at all.”
Morrison’s Vehicle Management Unit team manager, Matthew Dobbins commented: “WNV have been fantastic to work alongside. A rare experience where you get to see and communicate with the guys on the front. They really understand the industry and took on board all our requirements. The trailer wash worked beyond expectations, taking disinfection to the next level. The aftercare was also first-class, with nothing a problem for WNV to sort out.”